¥{{Number(dataMealDetail_id.price).toFixed(2)}}DXOMARK作为数码相机测试设备的先驱,不断开发和改进 Analyzer 图像分析软件,该图像质量评估软件测试协议适用于航空航天、汽车、消费类照片和视频、医疗、智能手机、 计算机视觉、运动相机、防御、监控等图像质量分析需求。 Analyzer 的模块化和高度可配置系统可快速、准确、自动化和可重复地处理 RAW 和处理过的数据,使其成为调整图像信号处理 (ISP) 的独特有用工具。
Analyzer 软件的核心价值在于它包含了完整的图像质量评估指标库。例如:IEEE-CPIQ 1858、IEEE-P2020、ISO 12232、ISO 12233、ISO 14524、ISO 15739、ISO 15781、ISO 17321-1、ISO 17850、ISO 17957、ISO 19084、 CIPA DC-11。 DXOMARK数据库不仅包括标准化指标,还包括更高级、更独特的专有指标。 所有测量都在自动检测到的ROI区域上处理。 Analyzer软件旨在优化和缩短操作时间,以确保高可重复性。
Analyzer 是模块化的,涵盖了图像质量评估的许多方面:
Analyzer Essential: Distortion, lateral & longitudinal chromatic aberrations, color fringing, Blur/Sharpness (BxU), luminance and color shading, color fidelity & sensitivity, color consistency, effective focal length, Modulation Transfer Function (incl. Fisheye cameras), ringing, astigmatism, noise (SNR, dynamic range, tonal range), visual noise, white balance accuracy, contrast, contrast preservation, dynamic range, tonal range, tone curve (OECF), CPIQ texture for different viewing conditions, texture preservation & acutance, Electronic Rolling Shutter (ERS), exposure time, vertical blanking, frame rate, time lags, …
Advanced Video evaluation: Auto exposure (AE) convergence, auto white balance (AWB) stability, color fidelity, temporal & spatial visual noise, distortion, texture & edge MTF and acutance, …
Stabilization: Photo & video stabilization, texture & edge acutance stability, zoom factor stability through time, …
HDR Autofocus, Motion & Timing: Average sharpness, sharpness repeatability, average shooting time lag, shooting time lag standard deviation, ERS, exposure time, frame rate, time lags, missing frames and vertical blanking, texture & edge MTF and acutance, visual noise, motion blur on a moving object, …
Flicker & Timing: Flicker measurements (frequencies, duty cycles and phases): Detection & modulation indexes and mitigation modulation probability, ERS, exposure time, vertical blanking, frame rate, time lags, …
Stereovision: Baseline parameter, rotations & translations between the cameras (external parameters), focal length & principal point (internal parameters), distortion curves (with polynomial model coefficients), …
Selfie Extension: Texture & edge acutance, visual noise, chroma & illuminance noise, noise (SNR, dynamic range, tonal range), color fidelity & sensitivity, white balance accuracy, edge MTF and acutance (at different shooting distance), …
AZ Mate (incl. AI-based metrics): Exposure, resolution, AI-based noise and detail preservation metrics on DXOMARK chart, AI-based face detail preservation and exposure metrics on the realistic mannequins
Flare & MTF at infinity: Flare attenuation in the field, MTF at infinity and in the field
DXOMARK Camera & Selfie Protocol Automation: Replicate DXOMARK Camera v5 & Selfie v1 protocols (capture & aggregation)
DXOMARK RAW Report Automation: Compute DXOMARK RAW protocol
Optics: Distortion, blur, vignetting, lateral chromatic aberration, color fringing, MTF, flare
Photo: Texture, white balance, color fidelity, auto-exposure, noise
Stabilization: White balance stability, stabilization
HDR: Tone mapping, HDR noise
Autofocus: AF accuracy, AF shooting lag
Timing: Exposure time, electronic rolling shutter, vertical blanking, frame rate